Dreams are something that everyone experience in their lives. Dreams are basically the stories and images that our thoughts forms while we are sleeping. In today’s world, dreams are considered most of the times to be sort of visualization of the gestures that we performed during our conscious time. One of the most notorious psychologists of the history, Sir Sigmund Freud believed the dreams can give access to a person to the part of his mind that he is not aware off. He called dreams “the royal road to unconsciousness” and used the technique “dream analysis” for the counseling of his clients. Some of the people also claim about dreams that when we sleep, or souls leave our bodies and wander here and there. This wandering is what we see as a dream or in simple words; the performance of our souls during our sleep is a dream.
In Islam, sleep is considered to be a minor death during which the soul leaves the body of a person behind. In other words we can say that sleep is not only a basic or a primary need for the physical strength of a person but also is a daily groundwork for our soul to taste the major death. It reminds Muslims that the last place of a person is death and no one can run from it. It is a remembrance for a person that he has to die no matter what. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran as;
“It is He SWT who doth take your souls by night and hath knowledge of all that you have done by day; by day doth He SWT raise you up again; that a term appointed be pleased; in the end unto Him will be your return,; then will He show you the truth of all that you did.”
Many of the aspects regarding dreams are true and many are just the myths. Some say that the dreams that a person see at the time of Fajr or near the time of Fajr are meant to be true. Some relate different colors seen in dreams to judge the reality associated with it either bad or good. For example, seeing green color in a dream is associated to a good reality while seeing black or red is considered to be a bad one. Some say that one should not tell about a bad dream to others while some say that after hearing a dream whatever the person listening says (either good or bad), will going to be the reality of the dream.
Types of Dreams:
Dreams have a history in Islam and they are not considered to be something non eminent. Prophet Yusuf AS used to tell the reality of dreams and was known in the Islamic history in regards to this subject. Prophet Muhammad SAWW also gave strict schemes while listening or telling a dream. Hazrat Abu Huraira RA narrated that Prophet Muhammad SAWW said;
“There are three types of dreams, a righteous dream from Allah (Ru’yaa), a dream which reasons grief and which comes from Satan (Hulum) and a daydream which comes from what a creature think about when he is fully awake and he sees it when he is asleep.”
Good dreams; it is clear from the Hadith that good dreams are from Allah Almighty and if one sees something appealing in his dream he should let it know to the people he likes. A person having a right dream should share it with the people he trusts and with whom he wanted to have a good relation in the future. One such example is the dream of Prophet Yaqoob AS (father of Prophet Yusuf AS) when he saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon prostrating to him. He said to his son that he should relate this dream to his half- brothers because they were jealous of him and probably the jealousy would get strengthen if he told them about the dream of his father.
Bad dreams; the bad dreams are from Satans and Prophet Muhammad SAWW told us how to get rid of this evil. If one has a bad dream, he should spit his left side three times, ask refuge from his Lord SWT and then change the side on which he was lying before. Prophet Muhammad SAWW when saw a bad dream, he stand up from his bed and endeavor a nafl prayer in front of Allah Almighty as a refuge form the Satan. It is also advised to not to discuss bad dreams and the person who has an evil dream should not mention it to anybody because if a bad dream is discussed there is a chance that a harm may come out of it.
Dreams from one’s self; these dreams are referred to be the ramblings of the mind and are not categorized as either good or bad. This kind of dreams are created by one own mind or thoughts and are usually results from the daily doings of a person. They have nothing to do with the happenings (either good or bad) going to occur in a person’s life.
Dreams are the visuals that are shown to a person by Allah Almighty in Islam. Prophet Muhammad SAWW prohibited Muslims to invent a lie linking it to their selves, their fathers or friends. He warned that the one, who intends to do it, will not be able to smell the sweet fragrance of Jannah. Allah’s Last Messenger SAWW said;
“Indeed the worst of lies is that of a person who wrongly claims to have dream.”
Also he SAWW said;
“Whoever claims to have dream which he did not have, will be ordered to tie two barely grains together, which he will never be able to do; and if somebody eavesdrop on some people’s conversation which they did not want him to hear or they tried to keep away from him, then molten lead will be poured into his ears on the Day of Judgement; and whosever makes a picture will be punished on the Day of Judgement and will be commanded to put a soul in it which he will not be able to do.”
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