Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Ways To Become a Good Muslim

Ways To Become a Good Muslim

To be a good Muslim the very first thing you have to know is the difference between Islam and other religions. When one wants to compare two things and to know which one is best between the two, he makes an evaluation between the two. The difference between Islam and the other religions is that it is more than just a religion. Islam is basically a code of life; a way to straighten up the life of a person. One of the most effective is Perform Umrah.
The utmost goal of a Muslim is to please his Lord. He wants to do thing that are lovable by the Allah Almighty and wants to reject those that are prohibited to do in Shariah. Muslims can do that by following the path and Sunnah of Holy Prophet SAWW. It is clearly stated in the Holy Quran that whatever the Holy Prophet SAWW did in his life you have to imitate that to become successful in your life. The Holy Quran states;
“Whatever Holy Prophet SAWW gives you, take it and whatever he SAWW prohibited you to do, do not do that”.
A true Muslim always want to achieve the piety and righteousness and don’t want to follow the wealth and worldly life because each and every Muslim know that this world and these materialistic things remain to be there and we will have to leave this world no matter what. One day this world will be destroyed and then an endless after life will begin. Those who had been good to others will be awarded an entry to Jannah at the Day of Judgment and those who had done bad deeds in this world will face the wrath of the Almighty.
Islam is not a religion that is done by simply worshiping at some specific occasions or special ceremonies. It is something that is elicited in our all actions, deeds and thoughts. Islam is the only religion in the Whole world that preaches to firstly become a good human instead of becoming a good Muslim because a good human will only be able to become a good Muslim. It is because of the fact that Islam is the religion of nature and life. Its rules and schemes are in accordance to the ease and troubles of the people living in this world. Making the acts of worship, Praying all day, making supplication, fasting and performing other Islamic rituals is not what the religion wants form a Muslim. Islam is the universal religion which wants form its people to fairly divide his time between world and religion. But, one thing is for sure that you have to be honest and pious even at the time dealing with the worldly matters. We must follow the following habits in order to keep ourselves in the list of good Muslims.
  • Make it a regular habit to pray 5 times in a day. It won’t take totally more than an hour because prayer is the very step to avoid the evil. Prayer or Salaat is said to be the key to Jannah. Holy Prophet SAWW said; “Salaat is the borderline between a believer and a non- believer.” It is said in the Holy Quran; “Therefore remember Me (by glorifying), I will remember you and be greatful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me”. 
  • Recitation of Quran Kareem must be made a habit. The Holy Book is the source of guidance for the Muslims and there is not even a single problem’s solution which is not present in the Holy Quran. Recite the Quran in the part of your day that you dedicated to read it. Also, try to read it with translation so that you can know the true meaning of the text. 
  • Make sure to do some charity and never hesitate to pay the Zakat that is obligatory on you if you are capable to give it. It is clearly said in the Holy Quran that those who did not give Zakat will face the rage of their Lord at the Day of Judgment. 
  • Despite of wasting your time on useless activities, try to recite Durood Shareef whenever you have free time. The Fazeelat of reciting Durood Shareef is beyond imagination of a person. It is also the only deed in the world by doing which the virtues keep on adding up and the sins keep on subtracting from the Amaal- Nama of a person. Once angle Jibrael AS came to Holy Prophet and said; “Curse upon the one who get the month of Ramadhan and did not be forgiven by the Allah Almighty”, the Holy Prophet said; “Ameen”. Then he said; “Curse upon the one in front of whom the name of Holy Prophet SAWW is taken and he do not send Durood on hearing His’s SAWW name”, the Holy Prophet SAWW said again “Ameen”. Then he said; “Curse upon the one who has his parents alive and he did not make himself to gain Jannah” the Prophet then said “Ameen” for the third time. 
  • Islam is the religion of ease and balance. It orders us to avoid being on extremes. Fasting every day and reciting the Holy Quran in one sitting probably be empting but the practice is not encouraged by the Holy Prophet SAWW. It is said by the Prophet Muhammad SAWW that; “Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not choose to be extremists”. 
  • Try to make friends in the Muslim community because your company shadows you a lot and gradually you seem to be start imitating the material that your group tends to do. It is also mentioned in hadith to make a company with people that believe on righteousness and are true believers. It is said in a hadith; 
“True Muslim is the one who love for the sake of Allah Almighty, who hate for the sake of Allah Almighty, who tends to prohibit others to do anything for the sake of Allah Almighty and who tends to order others to do something only for the sake of Allah Almighty.” As a Muslim the love for Holy Prophet SAWW is the part of Emaan of a Muslim. Holy Quran says; “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (to meet Allah) and the Day of Judgement (the last day) and remember Allah much”. So the love and hate any emotion should be for Allah so that by following the commands of the Allah Almighty we may be sent to the path that leads to Jannah.

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