Thursday, 21 December 2017

First Mosque On Earth

Masjid e Quba is the very first mosque in the history of Islam as
well as on the face of earth. It is the first place owing to its
importance in Islamic history as it built in the first year of in
Islamic calendar. After the Prophet’s Mosque, Quba Mosque is the second
largest and most prestigious mosque in the city. Masjid e Quba witnesses
an incursion of worshippers, believers and visitors throughout the year
but in the holy month of Ramadan the number of visitors have increased.
Massive gathering can be observed in the mosque especially in the early
hours of the morning.

First Mosque on Earth

It is situated about three kilo meters away from Masjid e Nabwi. According to the Hadith the reward of offering two rakas in Masjid e Quba
is equal to the performance of an Umrah. The masjid itself is a unique
structure and an exceptional masterpiece of architecture. An ablution
place is available in the mosque and separate praying area is for ladies
also exist. Outside the building of masjid there is a date market from
where pilgrims and visitors can buy dates for themselves and their love
one and family.  The beautiful and first mosque of the Islam is located
in the south of Prophet’s mosque.

Masjid e Quba is the place on the outskirts of Madinah where Allah’s
Messenger accompanied by Hazrat Abu Bakar RA arrived and first stayed
after migrating from Makkah. They arrived in Madinah on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal, 4 years after the Prophet Hood and this date marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, the 16th
July 622 CE. Masjid e Quba was established here by the Holy Prophet and
become the first Masjid ion the history of Islam. The importance and
significance of this mosque was mention in Quran and Hadith. Its virtue
is mentioned in the following verse of Surah Tawbah: Read More

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